March 13, 2018 version # 3.43
Issues Addressed
#944. Fixed bug with restoring schema editor layout.
#945. Fixed bug in DBISAM profile - setting encrypted table property.
#946. Fixed bug in drag & drop operations with database connection.
#948. Auto size sequence column in fields editor (there was a problem when the number of fields exceeded 99).
#947. Added option "Cursor beyond EOL" to the SQL editor.
April 6, 2017 version # 3.42
#942. Added support for Delphi 10.2 Tokyo.
#943. Improved Data Import function. Added support for datetime and time types, added different input and output formats, added import and export from/to clipboard.
February 7, 2017 version # 3.41
Issues Addressed
#940. Fixed bug in relation editor with switching cardinality (the effect was that not all of the properties, such as MasterOwnsDetails, were correctly saved).
July 19, 2016 version # 3.40
#935. Added support for Delphi 10.1 Berlin.
#936. Added query plan view in SQL Console.
December 21, 2015 version # 3.39
Issues Addressed
#931. Fixed A/V error when clicking search on empty relations list in Object Inspector panel.
#932. Fixed bug with saving/restoring default database profile.
#933. Fixed bug with inconsistent capitalization of keywords in MS SQL profiles.
#930. Added support for Delphi 10 Seatle.
#934. Added support for OR REPLACE clause for procedures and functions in Oracle profile.
May 19, 2015 version # 3.38
Issues Addressed
#922. Fixed bugs in SQL parser. Now it allows to use / as a delimiter (could be used in Oracle).
#923. Fixed bugs in CSV parser in Data Import tool.
#924. Added support for views in MySQL 5 database profile.
#925. Added create or replace to Oracle profile.
#926. Added support for RAD Studio XE 8.
December 23, 2014 version # 3.37
Issues Addressed
#910. Fixed minor bug when reverse engineering character length for unicode databases in Oracle profile.
#912. Fixed bug with copy and select all commands not working in the SQL Console Log.
#913. Fixed bug with slow unchecking of all objects in the reverse engineering view due to relationships checking.
#914. Fixed minor issues in the MySQL 5 profile.
#915. Fixed bug in tree view search for database objects.
#908. Auto save schema (dsd file) before SQL generation and checkpoint creation.
#909. Change detection for XML or DSD file. Confirming when overriding a file modified outside of the designer.
#911. Added IgnoreDupKey option to MSSQL profile for Primary key and Unique constraints.
September 23, 2014 version # 3.36
#907. Added support for RAD Studio XE 7 to Database Extensions
September 12, 2014 version # 3.35
Issues Addressed
#903. Fixed several bugs in Data Import tool
#904. Data Import tool improvements include: automatic data size calculation for VARCHAR fields, required fields and value length checked during import
#905. Data Import now allows to specify the width in characters of output SQL file
May 13, 2014 version # 3.34
#900. Added ability to reorder database connections in the connections list;
#901. Added calculated properties to database profiles (see [Expressions] section).
January 17, 2014 version # 3.33
#899. Added option to autosave schema after checkpoint creation.
October 15, 2013 version # 3.32
#896. Added support for Delphi XE3 and XE4 to Database Extensions.
April 5, 2013 version # 3.31
Issues Addressed
#891. Fixed problem with MS SQL altering of columns that are part of indexes (indexes needs to be droped and recreated).
#892. Fixed minor bug in Nexus data adapter.
#893. Fixed minor bug in Query Expression editor.
#894. Fixed several minor bugs.
#888. Added ability to filter tabled based on currently selected diagram in the Copy Table Definitions dialog.
#889. View object on a diagram now shows SQL statement if the fields are not defined. In case fields are defined, the statement is shown in hint.
#890. Added ability to allow blob indexing on some database engines (SQLite Text type for example).
January 16, 2013 version # 3.30
Issues Addressed
#875. Fixed problem with MSSQL varchar(max).
#876. Fixed bug foreign key constraint names in MSSQL reverse engineering.
#877. Fixed access violation when copying table structure from one schema to the other.
#878. Added support for MSSQL 2008 (database profile).
#879. Database Designer no longer locks the diagram (dsd) file while working.
#880. Added warning when sorting Stored Procedures alphabetically to prevent mixing them up in the generated script.
#881. Added schema consistency check for Set Null constraints applied to NOT NULL columns.
#882. Added schema consistency check for Set Default constraints applied to columns with no DEFAULT constraint.
#883. Added ability to drug and drop Relations and Relationships nodes to the diagram. In case of Relations node, it will add all of the table's relations to the diagram. In case of Relationships node, it will add all the relations between all the tables already on a diagram page.
#884. Added command to the diagram table's right mouse menu to add all relationships. This command work for individual tables as well as any selected set of tables on a diagram page.
August 18, 2012 version # 3.29
Issues Addressed
#859. Fixed bug when reverse enginnering primary keys in Oracle. Not all PKs were imported.
#862. Fixed bug when reverse enginnering primary keys in Oracle. Not all PKs were imported.
#863. Fixed bug with specifying a custom zoom % in diagramming.
#864. Fixed bug with key not working in lookup editor popup windows.
#865. Fixed bug with right click select not working in SchemaTreeView.
#866. Fixed bug with Refresh operation does not work in the *Drop* SQL Script window.
#867. Fixed hot key collision in the "Find Text" dialog.
#868. Fixed bug with connection string builder dialog producing a wrong string. It now allows to edit the connection string.
#874. Fixed bug with Project Group always being modified once opened.
#869. Added list of ketwords that raise error when found in field names.
#870. Added properties for TRelation object to Schema Import & Comparison windows.
#871. Added IgnoreSpaces & CaseInsnsitive options to Schema Comparison.
#872. Added handling for Default Database (showing in window caption, select in toolbar popup).
#873. Added feature to remember file names udner which a particular script has been stored to disk from SQL Editor Window. When saved again, the editor will save under the remembered file name. Hold to save under different file name.
January 9, 2012 version # 3.28
Issues Addressed
#855. Fixed bug in reverse engineering of Primary Keys in Oracle. Not all PKs were imported.
#856. Fixed bug in ElevateDB profile - generating invalid drop index script.
#851. NEW FEATURE! Added Project Group feature allowing to manage a collection of database schemes as a whole.
#852. Added warning when an object name is equal to SQL keyword.
#853. Added relation properties to the object inspector in Schema Import and Schema Comparison windows.
#854. Added CaseInsnsitive and IgnoreSpaces options to Schema Comparison.
November 22, 2011 version # 3.27
Issues Addressed
#843. Fixed bug with creating a NoCase index in DBISAM 4.
#844. Fixed bug with generating foreign keys to "external" tables.
#845. Fixed import of INTEGER fields in Oracle profile.
#846. Added ASSERT pragma to SQL scripts. Usage: -- ## ASSERT: <select command>. This pragma will raise error if select statement is invalid or returns empty or zero value.
#847. Added ability to turn on/off line number in SQL editor.
#848. Added popup menu item command in SQL editor to insert script header.
#849. Added option to change font size in the script editors.
#850. Added word wrap of the text in the execution log.
August 9, 2011 version # 3.26
Issues Addressed
#835. Fixed bug with creation, dropping and altering relationships when any of the related tables/views have ProduceSQL = False.
#836. Fixed importing of index field names in EDB2 database profile.
#837. Fixed generation of ALTER COLUMN statements in EDB2 database profile.
#838. Added object assist and syntax hightlight for relationship names in SQL editors.
#839. Add "External" (True/False) flag for tables and views objects. SQL is not produced for the external objects, however, the foreign keys pointing TO them are generated.
#840. Added ability (optional) to specify port in the Nexus 3 server connection (format: server_name[:port]/database).
June 11, 2011 version # 3.25
Issues Addressed
#833. Fixed Access Violation error on closing of the Copy Table Items dialog.
#834. Added access to custom object properties to the Documentation Generator.
June 6, 2011 version # 3.24
Issues Addressed
#826. Fixed error when trying to open Data Import.
#827. Fixed bug in Schema Manager when searching "everywhere".
#828. Imrpoved copying of table definitions. Improvements include: showing source tables in alpha-order; confirm overwrite of existing fields; when adding fields always add them in the same order they were in the source table; allow to delete multiple items from destination table at once.
#829. Improved View Query Builder. It now automatically creates correct field definitions, allowing to use views in query builder.
#830. Added option to auto-sort top-level objects in the Schema Tree View.
March 30, 2011 version # 3.23
Issues Addressed
#820. Fixed bugs in reverse engineering of Postrge SQL database.
#821. Fixed bug in Oracle database profile with not generating DROP statements when recreating relationships.
#822. EDB adapter is upgraded to use the latest version of ElevateDB components. Adapter's source code made compatible with Delphi 2007 and later.
#823. Added support for Firebird 2.5 as a separate profile. This includes in particular the support for the domain names in the Stored Procedure parameters and altering of the calculated fields.
#824. Added more extensive support for Firebird 2.1 by creating a separate profile for it.
#825. Improved source code formating for Firebird/Interbase databases when of importing Stored Procedures.
March 5, 2011 version # 3.22
Issues Addressed
#817. Fixed bugs in Reverse Engineering.
#818. Fixed bug in Sybase database profile.
#819. Added support for more Sybase-specific data types.
February 17, 2011 version # 3.21
Issues Addressed
#813. Fixed bug: when changing SQLFieldType from Schema Manager to VARCHAR the size was being incorrectly reset to 20.
#814. Fixed Access Violation error that occurred sometimes when adding related tables to a diagram (broken relations).
#815. Fixed bug in PostgreSQL profile: wrong SQL ALTER script was generated for fields and table constraints.
#816. Fixed bug in Schema Manager: unable to replace empty field values.
#811. Added option to Copy Table fields from external schemas. In the copy fields dialog, addded Source combobox to select external schema to copy table items from.
#812. Added ability to select Views in the Copy Table Items dialog.
February 5, 2011 version # 3.20
Issues Addressed
#810. Fixed bug in primary key editing dialog.
#804. New feature: Data Import Tool allowing to convert CSV file into SQL insert script (Tools | Data Import).
#805. Added support for renaming indexes and constraints to Oracle profile.
#806. Added option to show triggers separately from tables as top level objects in the main Schema Treeview (see View | Show Triggers Separately).
#807. Added menu item "New " to the Schema TreeView right mouse menu.
#808. Added Query Builder tool to SQL Script object properties toolbar.
#809. Added Query Builder tool to View object properties toolbar.
January 28, 2011 version # 3.19
Issues Addressed
#798. Fixed bug: On Close ObjectEditors - save current editor when apllication close.
#799. Fixed bug in Oracle & MS SQL 2005 profiles - constraints were not being dropped when relationship type changes.
#800. Added link to downloading database adapters to the Create Database Connection dialog and Options dialog.
#801. The combobox used to select a database connection is replaced by a drop down menu in the Script Editor window for consistency and usability.
#802. Added commands to Expant and Collapse selected diagram tables to the maximum and minimum height.
Added collection view to assistant, showing list of fields, indexes, relations, triggers and constraints for the selected table or view objects.
September 9, 2010 version # 3.18
Issues Addressed
#791. Fixed bug: schema identifiers are not highligted in Update Script editor.
#792. Fixed bug: schema identifiers are not highligted in Create Version Chekpoint dialog.
#793. Fixed access violation in Schema Manager when selected object is deleted.
#794. Fixed splitter painting bug under Standard Windows theme (no theming support).
#795. Fixed bug in Reverse Engineering which was skipping default system and object tables instead of the ones specified in Schema properties.
#796. Fixed bug in Database Connections: enforced uniqueness of the database connection names.
August 2, 2010 version # 3.17
Issues Addressed
#785. Fixed minor bug in the history grid with showing ellipsis button in a wrong column.
#786. Fixed minor bug in with some interface elements blinking when resizing UI.
#787. Fixed bug with reverse engineering of stored procedures in MS SQL 2000 database profile.
#788. Improved user interface of the Query Builder dialog.
#789. Added synchronization of description between Version Checkpoints and corresponding Version Update SQL scripts.
July 21, 2010 version # 3.16
Issues Addressed
#776. Fixed minor bugs in the diagram drawing.
#777. Fixed minor bug in the Fields Object Inspector.
#778. Fixed bug with selecting database name in the Elevate DB 2 adapter.
#779. Fixed bug with restoring window coordinates in multi-monitor setup.
#780. Fixed bug with positioning of Compare Options dialog.
#781. Fixed bug with wrong shortcut on the History toolbar button.
#782. Added overwrite prompt when saving SQL scripts to disk.
#783. Added Send to Back/Bring to Front commands to the diagram.
#784. Added SQL Console button to the toolbar with the database list in a popup menu and option to create new database connection.
June 23, 2010 version # 3.15
#767. Added support for Sybase.
#769. Added support for DB2.
#770. Minor improvements to the Oracle database profile.
#771. Minor improvements to the Elevate DB 2 database profile.
#772. Improved AnyDAC 2 adapter.
#773. Enabled drag & drop (reordering) in Relations, Triggers, Indices and Checks in the Table Editor.
#774. Minor improvements and bug fixes in the PreviewSQL tab in the Table Editor.
#775. Added overwrite confirmation to the "Save/Save As" actions in script editor.
April 7, 2010 version # 3.14
Issues Addressed
#751. Fixed bug in SQL generation: preserving data during table recreation did not work.
#755. Fixed bug in Oracle profile with TABLESPACE not produced when recreating UNIQUE constraints and indexes.
#756. Fixed Access Violation when deleting Database Connections from right mouse menu.
#757. Fixed bug in Oracle profile with wrong SQL generation when renaming of tables followed by renaming of indexes and constraints (causes referring to the table by its old me).
#761. Fixed bug with syntax highlighter/completion proposal not showing table columns.
#762. Fixed bug with highlighting wrong fields on a diagram when a relationship is selected.
#752. Improved Database Update Tool - added text of erroneous statement to the to log.
#753. Added PURGE after dropping tables to Oracle profile.
#754. Removed duplicate log entries when executing single update script from Database Update tool.
#758. Added name validation when copying items in the Database Compare Tool.
#759. Added Locate Object in Schema command (Ctrl+Up shortcut) to the Object Assistant.
#760. Switched to using "Locate Object in Schema" instead of "Object Assistant" in all SQL editors.
#763. Added support for AnyDAC 2.0 adapter, which allows direct connections to all major database. See adapters on the downloads page.
#764. Added support for MS SQL types (domains) in Import and Reverse Engineering tool.
March 2, 2010 version # 3.13
Issues Addressed
#747. Fixed bug in diagram editing: relation's position is not updated after creation of a new relation.
#748. Fixed bug in MSSQL 2005 profile: added support for localized boolean value (True/False).
#749. Fixed bug in about dialog: email link did not work correctly.
#750. Fixed bug in Version Updates list: Access Violation error when deleting the last remaining version.
#746. Improved Update Database Tool: added extensive error log messages.
February 11, 2010 version # 3.12
Issues Addressed
#742. Fixed bug with not updating the list of Categories in the popup for table/view objects.
#743. Fixed bug in the Relationship editor - AutoName checkbox was not setting the modification flag.
#744. Fixed bug in Oracle profile - index fields not generated when index is renamed.
#745. Fixed bug in Oracle profile - wrong order of table and foreign key deletion.
January 22, 2010 version # 3.11
Issues Addressed
#736. Fixed bug in Versoin Update Scripts (allow 0 as a valid minor version, e.g. 2.0).
#737. Fixed bug in DBISAM (3 & 4), NEXUS 1 and Absolute Database adapters (SystemTableName was not assigned correctly).
#738. Fixed bug in Diagram Page Properties dialog. Page name was not always updated correctly in treeview and diagram tabs.
#739. Fixed bug in Firebird 1.5, Firebird 2 and Interbase 2009 profiles (added support for all BLOB subtypes).
#734. Added history of searches to the Schema Manager search/replace comboboxes.
#735. Diagram total page height was expanded 2 times (height of 8A0 format) to accomodate for large schema layouting.
January 20, 2010 version # 3.10
Issues Addressed
#729. Fixed bug in Import & Reverse Engineer. Database profile should be set from DB Connection settings.
#730. Fixed bug in schema objects autonaming.
#731. Fixed bug in Firebird and Firebird2 profile (added types synonyms and fixed reverse engineering of indexes).
#724. Improved Schema Consistency Test. Added check and automatic problem resolution for invalid object names.
#725. Improved reverse engineering of stored procedures for Interbase and Firebird.
#726. Added support for Interbase 2009 (interbase2009.dbp database profile).
#727. Added filtering to the table selection dialog (when adding tables to a diagram).
#728. Added descriptive display name to the database profiles.
January 12, 2010 version # 3.09
Issues Addressed
#718. Added ability to mark Database Connection as default (it will be highlighted in bold in tree view). This can be convenient when switching between view or scripts window to SQL Console.
#722. Fixed minor bugs in Oracle profile (all constraints and triggers to be dropped shoud be dropped before altering corresponding tables, importing MaxValue for Sequences
where MaxValue is larger then MaxInt).
#723. Fixed bug with relationship cardinality being determined incorrectly during import procedure.
#719. Added a quick way to select a database connection from any script window by using a toolbar button with a popup menu. Pressing that button opens SQL Console with the default database connection. Pressing button's arrow allows to select a database connection from the popup menu.
#720. Added MySQL5 profile (separated from MySQL4). Improved reverse engineer for MySQL v.5 database.
#721. Improved PostgreSQL profile (added support for COMMENT ON token).
December 28, 2009 version # 3.08
#710. Added support for PostgreSQL 8!
#711. Added Query Builder to SQL Console window.
#712. Added groupping by Engine or Adapter to the DB Connections panel.
#713. Improved Name Templates, added ability for use custom table properties in the format of table item's names (such as fields, indexes, checks, triggers).
November 30, 2009 version # 3.07
Issues Addressed
#706. Fixed bug with primary key, automatically created by marking field(s) as "primary key" was not being properly initialized.
#707. Fixed bug with domain size property is not correctly defined in the Oracle profile.
#708. Fixed bug with generating unique constraint with empty name in the Oracle profile.
#702. Added support for expression indexes. Added expression editor with syntax highlighter to the Index property dialog.
#703. Added support for Unix and Mac line break formats.
#704. Added support for TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE field types to the Oracle profile.
#705. Added support for expression indexes to the Oracle profile.
November 17, 2009 version # 3.06
Issues Addressed
#689. Fixed bug with saving changes to the current object before saving schema.
#691. Fixed minor issues in database profiles.
#692. Fixed bug in Import Tool (importing from file does not accept files with extensions other then ".sql").
#693. Fixed minor bug in Schema Comparison Options dialog.
#686. Improved SQL DDL parser allowing to skip eoln-terminated statements (e.g. pragma PROMPT in Oracle).
#687. Added option to select a script delimiter (in case it differs from the default) when importing SQL script.
#688. Adjusted Oracle profile (improved support for sequences and tablespaces).
#696. Changed SQL generation method (now generating drop clauses first).
#697. Added support for Unique constraint to Index property dialog.
October 29, 2009 version # 3.05
Issues Addressed
#672. Fixed bug in Database Connection Properties dialog (stored wrong OnOpen/OnClose SQL Script).
#673. Fixed bug in Nexus 3 profile (generation of fields description, generation and reverse engineering of StorageEngine property).
#674. Fixed bug with overriding of field properties by empty domain properties.
#675. Fixed bug with VARBINARY in MSSQL2005 profile with MAX property.
#676. Fixed erros in documentation generation templates.
#679. Fixed code hightlighter for the Enumerations preview panel (it should be pas-style).
#680. Fixed bug in import/reverse engineering (not removing system table from import).
#668. Added object properties inpsector to Schema Comparison tool.
#669. Added selective comparison option to Schema Comparison tool.
#670. Added object properties inpsector to Schema Comparison tool.
#671. Added option to search "everywhere " to the Schema Manager Tool.
#677. Added reverse engineer command to Database Connection window.
#678. Improved PreviewSQL editor UI by replacing the toolbar with navigation panel.
#682. Added support for Text Indexes in ElevateDB 2.
August 11, 2009 version # 3.04.2
Issues Addressed
#658. Fixed focusing issues in object properties editor.
#659. Fixed problem with not being able to assign domain size in MS SQL 2000/2005 database profiles.
#661. Fixed bug causing A/V in object editor history.
#663. Fixed right mouse menu for the Schema Tree View. Some of the items were visible yet inactive (not being properly disabled).
#657. Added button to add a new domain to the domain editor. Ctrl+Ins shortcut now takes focus directly to the domain name.
#660. Added Refresh command/button to the Drop\Create SQL Script window.
#662. Added button to add new enumeration value, added reordering by drag&drop of the enumeration values.
August 5, 2009 version # 3.04
Issues Addressed
#632. Fixed bug in Schema Importing Tools - database profile must be setup correctly before reverse engineering.
#633. Fixed bug when changing database profile. Consistency test was still being performed with the old profile.
#634. Object Assistant was not synchronizing when uncollapsing.
#635. When adding relationships the field's flags are not updated on diagram.
#644. Fixed bug introduced in 3.01 in reverse engineering of Firebird 2.
#649. Fixed bug when saving schema default values. Empty values were not saved. Also added a separate button to save current default values "as default" into registry. These saved values will be used next time when creating new database schema.
#636. Improved reverse engineering for Nexus 3.
#637. Added Nexus 2 and 3 client/server connection to the database adapter.
#638. Added packages for all Delphi versions for AnyDAC adapter.
#639. Clicking on filter icon brings up filtering dialog where one can check/uncheck which field kinds to show.
#640. Improved log output in Import & Reverse Engineering tool.
#641. Added ability to create many-to-many relationships by drawing a link on diagram.
#642. Added collection of SQL scripts stored in the database schema. Each script can be executed conditionally on selected events such as (Before Update, After Update, Before Updates, After Updates) and also appended to generated SQL script before and/or after Create and/or Drop.
#643. Added SQL scripts to the database connection objects which will execute before opening and/or closing of the connection.
#645. All editors get syntax highlighting, including editor for text box, which support html tags.
#646. Improved SQL Console completion proposal to use same rule for quoting identifiers as set in schema for sql generation.
#647. Improved Schema Importing Tool. Un-selecting tables will now automatically un-check corresponding relationships.
#648. Improved Copy Table Definitions dialog to support multi-selection.
#650. Object name templates are moved to Schema Properties and conform to the same rules as default property values. This allows to have separate sets of name templates in each schema and a default set stored (optionally) in registry.
#651. Added search inside version update scripts in Schema Manager tool.
#652. Added option to show a dialog during search when no occurences found. Option is added to the Edit options tab in Tools | Options.
#653. Added search for the word under cursor by default.
#654. Added schema name, date and version to the generated Create/Drop SQL scripts.
#655. Added date to the generated version update script.
July 25, 2009 version # 3.03
Issues Addressed
#596. All schema class names and aliases should be unform across application (<Class>: <Name>)
#602. Fixed bug with not setting valid cardinality when adding relationship by drawing it on a diagram.
#604. Fixed access violation when creating and then dropping a relationship from a diagram.
#605. Disabled right mouse select feature in schema tree view, which caused confusion.
#606. Fixed access violation when deleting tables that have relationships to other tables.
#608. Fixed buf in schema consistency test. Errors and warnings should be filtered before showing errors when creating version checkpoints.
#609. Fixed bug in setup with wrong adapter name assignment in several adapters (e.g. Nexus3). This use to cause error when attempting to load adapter.
#610. Corrected errors in help file. Help file is updated to reflect most recent changes.
#611. Fixed bugs with diagram commands remaining enabled when diagrams are not available (e.g. Delete Page and Page Properties).
#612. Corrected visual layout and tab order in all dialogs to make their appearance and behaviour more uniform througout the application.
#613. Fixed access violation when displaying custom object in a schema where there's no definition for a specified custom object class is found in the database profile.
#615. Changed behaviour in Import & Reverse Engineering. It should not abort on error, but show error in log and continue processing instead.
#616. Fixed access violation when double clicking in an empty schema manager window.
#617. Fixed bug with not focusing tool windows (Schema Tree View, Database Connections, etc.) when activating them via shortcut keys.
#618. Fixed bug - unable to select database via keyboard in Reverse Engineering dialog. It would always go into [New database] dialog.
#623. Fixed bug with text boxes replacing CR/LN with
and not restoring this when going back to editing.
#625. Fixed bug with some commands in object editor not being disabled or hidden for text box objects.
#627. Fixed bug with renaming tables - it would not assign name "Table" to the table named "table" because they appear the same due to case insensitive comparison.
#628. Fixed bug with some icons not showing correctly when working under virtual machine (Virtual PC).
#629. Fixed bug with escape not working when dragging and dropping tables and views (escape should cancel operation).
#630. Fixed bug - after dragging & dropping of a table or a view to a diagram, object editor pops up hiding the diagram table/view object. Need to "move table into view" after showing the object editor. This should be done irrespective of the option to move table into view.
#597. Show object class icon instead of class name in the diagram tabs.
#598. Change icons for objects in editor to the standard ones (without the arrows).
#599. Added option to the object editor grid: Tab (Shift-Tab) moves to next column in grid.
#600. Added description colum to the object editor for table's fields.
#601. Added Schema Statistics modal dialog (see under File | Schema Statistics).
#603. When creating a relationship which automatically creates foreign key fields in the child table, convert autoinc to integer.
#607. Added support for MAX value to the SQLServer (2005 and greater) profile. This is done in generic fashion by adding notion of "value aliases". It is now possible to define aliases to any field values.
#614. Added button Clear Log to the Import & Reverse Engineering tool.
#619. Added selection of diagram objects by right mouse click.
#620. Added macro fields in text boxes. For example, a field could read {%Author%} and it will replaced by the Author property of schema when displaying on diagram.
#621. Improved visual appearance of tollbars and splitters.
#622. Added zooming on mouse wheel when holding Ctrl key.
#624. Added default diagram page properties that are applied to all new diagram pages.
#626. Auto Layout Tables command is removed from right mouse menu. This command should not be too accessible and it is sufficient to have it in top menu.
#631. Added feature: highlight and underline fields which are part of a focused relationship.
July 13, 2009 version # 3.02
#579. User Interface is redesigned to provide modal-less way of viewing and changing database object properties (Object Properties window)
#580. Added customizable template-based documentation generation wizard
#581. Greatly improved schema comparison tool
#582. Greatly improved schema searching/management tool
#583. Greatly improved schema importing capabilities
#584. Redesigned database connection management facility
#585. All database objects including tables and views can be setup to produce or not produce SQL, allowing to keep them in "design" mode
#586. Added ability to open several SQL consoles for the same database connection
#587. Added syntax database engine-specific syntax highlighting to all script windows
#588. Views can now be added to the diagrams in the same way as tables, including view columns and relationships
#589. Added object assistant window (part of Database Schema Tree View) allowing to quickly lookup objects found in scripts or diagrams
#590. Added support for Elevate DB 2 and Nexus 3
#591. Improved support for Oracle, including complete reverse engineering
May 21, 2008 version # 3.01a
#572. First private "alpha" release intended for beta
testing by volunteered registered users.
June 26, 2007 version # 2.15
Issues Addressed
#565. Fixed problem with backup and auto-saving functionality. If error occurs during save operation, 2.14 and earlier versions could corrupt both the backup and auto-save files.
#566. Fixed problem with copy/pasting of diagram text blocks.
#567. Fixed problem with paper format and orientation are not saved properly for paper formats other then Letter (default).
#568. Fixed problem in opening of diagrams, saved by previous versions of the Database Designer. DataType property was not correctly restored.
#562. Added storing the order in which the relation items are created. This fixes the problem when the relationships rearranged manually in the diagram editor were resorted again after the diagram is reloaded.
#563. Added check for maximum length allowed for the identifiers (schema consistency testing).
#564. Added AllowHTMLFormatting option to the diagram text box. This allows to create a text box, which is not HTML formatted.
April 27, 2007 version # 2.14
Issues Addressed
#536. Fixed minor problems in SQL Console window.
#537. Fixed problem with page settings not being restored correctly.
#538. Fixed minor problems in SQL import\reverse engineering.
#539. Fixed bug converting from previous versions of schema.
#540. Fixed several problems in Firebird 1 & 2 profiles (BLOB type, index creation).
#541. Fixed several minor printing problems.
#543. Fixed problem with domains not being imported during reverse engineering.
#531. In schema consistency test added warning if object names matches certain masks, reserved for a particular database engine (e.g. RDB$, C_PK$, etc.).
#532. Added line scaling on diagram printing.
#533. Improved auto-layout of diagram tables.
#534. Adjusted Elevate DB profile to match changes introduced in 1.02 release (changed GENERATED to COMPUTED).
#535. Added log for all skipped statements and error during SQL import.
February 14, 2007 version # 2.13
Issues Addressed
#508. Fixed problem in View & Stored Procedures Properties dialogs: unable to close the dialog when definition is wrong or is not terminated by the default term.
#509. Fixed several minor issues in diagram printing.
#510. Fixed bug: ‘size’ property is not enabled if field’s type is in lowercase (field type was being treated as case sensitive).
#511. Fixed several minor issues in Database Connection Properties dialog.
#512. Fixed several problems in MS Access database profile (msaccess.dbp file).
#513. Fixed several problems in Firebird database profile (firebird.dbp file).
#514. Fixed several problems in Nexus2 database adapter.
#515. Fixed bug: incorrect drawing of 0..1:1 relationship endpoints.
#516. Fixed bug: export schema dialog doesn’t confirm file overwriting.
#517. Fixed minor problems in SQL parser.
#518. Fixed problem affecting all database profiles: added views and stored procedures were not always correctly generated into SQL script.
#519. Fixed bug in ADO adapter: when reverse engineering views delimited names were not escaped with square brackets.
#520. Fixed bug in Connection Properties dialog. Connection parameters were not reset correctly when the adapter type is changed.
#521. Fixed bug: invalid unit name generated for Delphi Declarations when schema name contains spaces and other invalid characters.
#522. Fixed problem with index being recreated when only field name is changed, but not actually pointing to a different field. It is assumed that renaming field should also rename it (cascade) in indexes.
#500. Added support for Firebird 2 database.
#501. Added support for Absolute Database by ComponentAce (
#502. Improved Schema Comparison Tool (see Comparing Schemes & Versions). Added command allowing to copy\update object definition into the current schema.
#503. Add log to reverse engineering of SQL scripts (see Reverse Engineering Database).
#504. SQL Console is no longer modal, allowing several consoles to be opened at the same time.
#505. SQL Console now allows script (batch) execution even if the database does not directly support it.
#506. Added query execution time to SQL Console.
#507. Added automated problem resolution for ‘invalid or empty index name’ problem (see Messages Window).
December 18, 2006 version # 2.12
Issues Addressed
#482. Fixed bug in reverse engineering of MS Access database. Memo fields were converted to VARCHAR instead of LONGTEXT.
#483. Fixed bug with in MS Access database profile: GO was not generated after ALTER TABLE ADD PRIMARY KEY statement.
#484. Fixed bug: size property should be visible only for field types that support it (database engine specific).
#485. Added warning when string field has zero size when testing database schema consistency.
#486. Added generation of default values for fields in MS Access SQL generation.
#487. Added support for autoincrement field type in MS Access SQL generation.
#488. Added FBPlus adapter for Firebird, Interbase and Yaffil, based on FIB Plus components by DevRace (
#489. Added diagram page arranging by dragging and dropping page tabs.
#490. Added reverse engineering from Information Schema for Mimer 9 database engine.
October 9, 2006 version # 2.11
Issues Addressed
#468. Fixed Access Violation on testing database schema, when database profile is not assigned.
#469. Fixed bug in Relationship Properties dialog. When automatically creating fields the property SQLFieldType was not assigned.
#470. Fixed bug in search/replace dialog. When searching for views it was also returning stored procedures.
#471. Fixed bug in trigger definition parsing. Parser hanged indefinitely if it is unable to locate token 'ON'.
#472. Fixed bug with not saving Size property of a field definition object if it is equal to 0.
#473. Fixed problem with assigning duplicate names to unnamed indexes and constraints when importing from SQL script.
#474. Fixed problem with keeping file lock on previously edited schema (problem occurred after creating new schema).
#475. Fixed problem with parsing/skipping single word statements, like COMMIT.
#476. Fixed problem with printing multiple copies when collation is supported by printer driver.
#477. Fixed problems with help not being linked to some of the dialogs.
#478. Fixed problem with unnamed constraints not being assigned default names when importing from SQL script.
#458. Added diagram export to BMP, PNG and HTML formats (see File | Export as Picture or Web page... command). HTML export generates image map for all tables and links.
#459. Added access to schema properties from Schema Import dialog.
#460. Added case sensitivity handling in schema consistency test.
#461. Added comprehensive support for Firebird 1.5 database. This includes: FB\IB Database Adapter, SQL generation, SQL import and Reverse Engineering.
#462. Added incremental import of SQL script into current database schema.
#463. Added option to automatically resolve some of consistency issues (see "Resolve this problem" context menu item in messages window).
#464. Added schema level option to enclose identifiers in double quotes or square brackets when generating SQL (i.e. enforce delimited identifiers).
#465. Added shortcuts for Create Version Checkpoint, SQL Console and Create or Update Database Structure.
#466. Added support for custom schema objects, which could be use to contain objects, like IB\FB Exceptions, file groups, etc.
#467. Improved Domain Properties dialog. The program now only require confirmation if any of the assigned domains have changed.
August 24, 2006 version # 2.10
Issues Addressed
#452. Fixed bug in SQL generation for Nexus 1.
#453. Fixed bug in Page Properties dialog. Custom page format settings were wrongfully reset every time when the dialog is invoked.
#447. Added Incremental Version Control option to Reverse Engineer dialog. This allows automatic creation of initial schema checkpoint for future synchronization of database schema.
#448. Added option to sort tables, views, procedures and other top level schema objects alphabetically. See Schema Tree View Window topic.
#449. Added ability to instantly compare schema with a physical database in Compare Schema dialog. Before now, a database must have been reverse engineered into a separate schema prior to comparison.
#450. Improved reverse engineering for Nexus 1. CtxNX1 adapter has been updated.
#451. Fixed Access Violation in Schema Comparison dialog.
August 15, 2006 version # 2.09
Issues Addressed
#434. Fixed Access Violation when pasting deleted or renamed
table onto a diagram.
#438. Fixed SQL generation & import for MS SQL Server 2000/2005
computed fields.
#439. Fixed bug in SQL generation of primary keys for
MS SQL Server 2000/2005.
#435. Added Add Related Tables operation (see diagram
right-mouse menu). This allows quickly adding all tables
related to the selected table to the diagram.
#437. Added Copy Table Definition operation (see Schema main
menu, diagram right-mouse menu and Edit Table Definition
dialog). This allow copying fields & indexes from other
July 24, 2006 version # 2.08
Issues Addressed
#428. Fixed error in Connection dialog when no adapters installed.
#429. Fixed A/V when deleting diagram pages.
#431. Fixed problem with disabling "Revert to Saved" command for new schemes.
#426. Added support for MS Access, including reverse engineering via ADO.
#427. Improved handling of data times in MS SQL.
#430. Added help to Text Box Properties dialog.
June 26, 2006 version # 2.07
Issues Addressed
#410. Fixed Stream Read Error occurred when reverse engineering databases on dual processor systems.
#411. Fixed bug in reverse engineering in MS SQL 2000.
#412. Fixed bug in reverse engineering in MS SQL 2005.
#413. Improved data type conversion between different engines.
#414. Added relationship wizard to Toolbar and Tools menu.
#415. SQL Console and Update Database Structure commands added to Toolbar.
June 21, 2006 version # 2.06
Issues Addressed
#404. Fixed bug exporting schema to PAS format;
#402. Added extensive Search & Replace functionality;
#403. Added extensive support for MySQL 4 database;
#405. Added support for custom, database specific data types;
#406. Added automatic data type convertion when changing TargetDB - now supports extensible data type model;
#407. Added key properties highlighting in object inspector.
May 31, 2006 version # 2.05
Issues Addressed
#401. Fixed A/V in schema consistency test, when validating a partially qualified relationship.
#396. Improved reverse engineering for MS SQL 2000/2005.
#397. Added select statements support to SQL Console.
#398. Added command history to SQL Console.
#399. Added Relations Builder to import operations. This allows
automatically detect and create relationships for the
databases that do not support referential integrity.
#400. Added Auto Layout Diagram feature. This allows automatically lay out database tables and relationships on diagram page.
May 9, 2006 version # 2.04
#383. Improved handling of triggers, views and stored procedures.
#384. Imrpoved reverse engineering for Nexus 2.
#385. Imrpoved reverse engineering for DBISAM 4.
#386. Added code completion to all SQL editors.
#387. Added search to Script Editor.
#388. Added Create New Schema Wizard.
#389. Added Auto Save functionality.
#390. Improved Options dialog, added more options and default settings.
#391. Improved connectivity with schema component in IDE.
#392. Updated help file to reflect all latest changes.
April 12, 2006 version # 2.03
#361. Improved support for MS SQL Server 2000/2005
#362. Added support for Oracle and Nexus 2
#363. Improved schema consistency testing, added more warnings and errors related to foreign key constraints, type mismatches and more
#364. Greatly improved SQL import function.
#365. Reverse Engineering is coupled with import and improved to allow partial reverse engineering.
#366. Import functionality now allows to partially override schema objects, which is handled correctly by SQL generator.
#367. Added automatic handling of auto-incremental or identity fields when generating DML statements (e.g. when a table needs to be recreated preserving the data).
#368. Added Identity property to all field definition object.
#369. Add IDEF1X & UML notations to diagram.
#370. Fields display engine-specific data types and only allow to select data types, supported by the target database engine.
#371. Added popup dialogs for editing long script properties, like Check constraints and Description.
#372. SQL generation improved to allow deletion and smart recreation of all affected foreign key constraints. This is particularly important for engines, not supporting CASCADE deletion of tables, like MS SQL.
#373. Added custom connections parameters including UserName and Password for all database adapters.
#374. Added correct, engine specific, syntax highlighting everywhere where SQL text occurs.
#375. Improved adapters loading. Context Database Designer no longer loads adapters on startup, but only when they're required to establish database connection, which significantly improves startup time.
#376. Added Options dialog; Adapters page allows to add and remove database adapter libraries.
#377. Added data adapter for Nexus 2.
#378. Added Drop Database SQL generation (especially useful for databases, like MS SQL, that do not support CASCADE delete).
#379. Improved LUA compatibility.
#380. Updated context sensitive help.
December 20, 2005 version # 2.02
#340. Added extensive support for MS SQL Server 2000.
#341. Added table level CHECK CONSTRAINT(s).
#342. Added support for NATIONAL CHAR, VARCHAR and CLOB data types.
#343. Added generic database adapters, allowing to access more databases from the standalone application. This makes it easier to add support for more database engines in future.
#344. Relationships handling has been reworked and greatly improved, making it more stable and reliable. Now each
relationship is defined as one singular object and not as two separate objects (one for each participating table) as it was before.
#345. SQL generation has been greatly improved, allowing for more extensive customization and providing support for more SQL features.
#346. SQL import has been greatly improved, allowing to correctly import triggers, views and stored procedures defined with different SQL dialects.
#347. Diagramming has been improved by adding (optional) IE notation for link drawing. Links avoid intersections with other links by drawing arcs (engineering standard).
#348. Interface better supports XP themes.
#349. Both regular and dockable windows stores their size and position, creating more user friendly environment.
#350. Improved user interface of editing tables, indexes and relations.
#351. Added advanced, database specific and user defined properties for more schema objects.
#352. Added context sensitive help file (partially under construction).
October 31, 2005 version # 2.01
#321. New, completely redesigned diagram editor with support for: undo/redo, copy/paste, multi-selection, metafile export, large page slicing for printing, enhanced drawing, interactive customized connectors and more.
#322. Schema & Diagram are stored in one file.
#323. Support for XML import/export.
#324. Completely redesigned and greatly improved schema editing dialogs, including support for custom user defined properties, syntax highlighting and more.
#325. Schema version control with checkpoints. Automatic SQL script generation for differences between version checkpoints.
#326. Importing schema from SQL scripts based on customizable engine profiles.
#327. Advanced schema comparison tool. Shows differences between any two schemas and/or any two versions of schemas. Automatically builds upgrade SQL script.
#328. SQL Console for direct manipulation with any registered database by executing SQL script and console commands.
#329. Direct access to databases from within Database Designer.
#330. Runs as a standalone application as well as IDE component editor. Interacts with Delphi IDE components via Ole Automation.